Original Product Here; https://codecanyon.net/item/auction-bidding-app-lowest-highest-unique-bid-system/32824171

I purchased this after being lead to believe it was a website with a free android app, I intended to use the website and discard the Android App. I even contacted support prior to purchasing to make sure everything was what I wanted..

It wasn’t until after i purchased that I found it was in fact NOT a website AT ALL. 5 Minuets after purchase i requested a refund, To which they began accusing me of just wanting the scripts for free, and calling me a scammer. They have been complete assholes and have since blocked me on their support forms.

I offered them the ability to refund me, or face the consequences.

They chose to keep my money. So on come the consequences..

Here is their software free of charge
. Enjoy it!

In-case of DMCA< Here is another copy.

I can do this all day.

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