Original Product Here; https://codecanyon.net/item/auction-bidding-app-lowest-highest-unique-bid-system/32824171
I purchased this after being lead to believe it was a website with a free android app, I intended to use the website and discard the Android App. I even contacted support prior to purchasing to make sure everything was what I wanted..
It wasn’t until after i purchased that I found it was in fact NOT a website AT ALL. 5 Minuets after purchase i requested a refund, To which they began accusing me of just wanting the scripts for free, and calling me a scammer. They have been complete assholes and have since blocked me on their support forms.
I offered them the ability to refund me, or face the consequences.
They chose to keep my money. So on come the consequences..

Here is their software free of charge. Enjoy it!
In-case of DMCA< Here is another copy.
I can do this all day.
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